Dhamma Letter No. 123
Satipatthana 40: Objects of Meditation: Paññatti & Paramaṭṭha 1: ESSENCE OF VIPASSANA METHOD
In order to practice Vipassana in earnest, the essential parts to think about are Paññatti and Paramatha. This is because the object of Vipassana meditation is to see Paramaṭṭha, the ultimate reality, so this must be clearly arranged so that one can go straight without falling into errors in practice.
Difference of Paññatti and Paramaṭṭha
Paññatti refers to the state of concept, and Paramaṭṭha refers to the ultimate reality.
Vipassana meditation is to see the ultimate reality. This refers to the state of seeing things (Dhamma) as they are. It can also be said to see the Nature law (Dhamma). Since the ultimate goal of Vipassana is to develop wisdom and attain nirvana, where all sufferings disappear, one must correctly understand the Paññatti seen in the course of practice. Through this, wisdom is developed, and one comes to know and see Paramaṭṭha, the ultimate reality.
The actual object in vipassana practice can be said to be impermanence and no-self. This is because all objects cannot be fixed and show a state of impermanence that is always changing. If an object is seen in a fixed state, it is a state of concept, not reality. This is called 'Paññatti'.
In practice, the development of mindfulness and clear comprehension should be accelerated in practice and naturally and continuously.
In this way, when we continue to do our best properly, we experience the ultimate state, 'Paramaṭṭha'.
Buddhism speaks emptiness (空, 공) that people express such as all-empty or all-one. It is the concept 'Paññatti'. However, Emptiness such a profound experience of reality, 'Paramaṭṭha', emerges as a result of our correct practice.
With Metta,
Ayyā Kosallā Vipassinī
Edited by Euna Bonovich
If you have any questions related to dhamma & meditation, please feel free to ask. You can reach Ayya Kosalla directly at Bhikkhuni.Kosalla@gmail.com.
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Buddha Sāsanaṁ Ciraṁ Tiṭṭhatu!
May the Buddha’s teachings last a long time!
Bhavatu Sabba Sotiṁ ca Maṅgalaṁ ca!!
May everyone be led on the path of peace and blessing!!
Sādhu Sādhu Sādhu !
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