Dhamma Letter No. 125
Satipatthana 42: Objects of Meditation (Paññatti & Paramaṭṭha) 3: Emptiness (空, Suñña) 2
Continues from previous Dhamma Letters No. 123 and No. 124.
Many meditators experience ‘Emptiness’ as Paññatti (concepts) mostly: Dhamma Letter No. 63
Emptiness 공(空) is not something we learn by trying or imitating. We should not try to clear the mind or brighten the mind or anything like that. This is not something we should practice. If one engages in practice with a deliberate attempt to achieve it, it will soon remain in Paññatti (concepts). Many yogis stay in this state of Paññatti and often have the illusion that they have seen the truth.
Brightness, Equanimity and Emptiness, all of these are manifested as pleasurable results of our correct practice. You have to do it the right way to achieve that result. You shouldn't try to make the ideal state imaginable. What meditators need to do is to see our own body, mind, matter and spirit as they really are. We need to look at what we are actually experiencing. When you see the facts as they are, you can experience the state of Paramaṭṭha (the ultimate reality).
In order to be able to see the Dhamma as it is when examining the practice, one should also check the state of the Paññatti (concept) and Paramaṭṭha (reality) during the practice interview.
May you cultivate your Sati continuously (Samma-Viriya)!
May you achieve the Samma-Diṭṭhi (Right View) through Satipatthāna (vipassana meditation)!
May all practice well and reach to Magga (道, the path of enlightenment) and Phala (果, the fruit of enlightenment)!
with Metta,
Ayyā Kosallā
Edited by Euna Bonovich
If you have any questions related to dhamma & meditation, please feel free to ask. You can reach Ayya Kosalla directly at Bhikkhuni.Kosalla@gmail.com.
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The Korean Dhamma Letter is here 담마레터.
Buddha Sāsanaṁ Ciraṁ Tiṭṭhatu!
May the Buddha’s teachings last a long time!
Bhavatu Sabba Sotiṁ ca Maṅgalaṁ ca!!
May everyone be led on the path of peace and blessing!!
Sādhu Sādhu Sādhu !