Dhamma Letter No. 141
Satipatthana 58: Cittānupassanā (Observation of mind) 마음관찰 12: Five spiritual faculties 7: Viriya (Effort or Energy: 위리야, 정진) 2
Earlier, as discussed in Dhamma Letter No. 70, No. 71, No. 72, the Buddha spoke of Right Effort in the Eightfold Path as follows:
The four Right Efforts (Samma Vayama) are the subject of Right Effort Samyutta [sammappadhāna](SN.49:1) in the Samyutta Nikaya.
Bhikkhus, there are four Right efforts. what is the four?
generates desire for the non-arising of unarisen evil unwholesome states; makes an effort, arouses energy, applies his mind, and strives.
generates desire for the abandoning of arisen evil unwholesome states; makes an effort, arouses energy, applies his mind, and strives.
generates desire for the arising of unarisen wholesome states; makes an effort, arouses energy, applies his mind, and strives.
generates desire for the maintenance of arisen wholesome states for their non-decay, increase, expansion, and fulfilment by development; makes an effort, arouses energy, applies his mind, and strives.
Bhikkhus, just as the river Ganges slants, slopes, and inclines towards the east, so too a Bhikkhu who develops and cultivates the four strivings’ slants, slopes, and inclines towards Nibbana.
If mindfulness continues every moment with Right mindfulness, Right effort naturally follows. Therefore, through the practice of observing the mind as an object, an unwholesome mind no longer arises, and a wholesome mind continues to create a condition in which suffering no longer arises.
May all be liberated from suffering!
To be continued…
May you cultivate your Sati continuously (Samma-Viriya)!
May you achieve the Samma-Diṭṭhi (Right View) through Satipatthāna (vipassana meditation)!
May all practice well and reach to Magga (道, the path of enlightenment) and Phala (果, the fruit of enlightenment)!
with Metta,
Bhikkuni Kosalla Vipassini
Edited by Euna Bonovich
If you have any questions related to dhamma & meditation, please feel free to ask. You can reach Ayya Kosalla directly at Bhikkhuni.Kosalla@gmail.com.
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The Korean Dhamma Letter is here 담마레터.
Buddha Sāsanaṁ Ciraṁ Tiṭṭhatu!
May the Buddha’s teachings last a long time!
Bhavatu Sabba Sotiṁ ca Maṅgalaṁ ca!!
May everyone be led on the path of peace and blessing!!
Sādhu Sādhu Sādhu!