Wisdom Insight Letter No. 159
Satipatthana 76: Cittānupassanā (Observation of mind): The importance of mindset
The importance of mindset/right attitude
In practicing Vipassana to develop insight, right attitude is considered more important than anything else. U Tejaniya Sayadaw's collection of teachings, 『Practice when your mindset is right』 (not yet published in English) is the first book to be read by those who are beginning to practice for the first time. This emphasizes that an upright and goodness heart must come first. It is also part of the Buddhist teachings of Sammā-Dhitthi (Right view in the path of the Eightfold Path; click dhamma letter no. 60 ~no. 62).
This is also the part corresponding to the precepts in the three teachings of morality, tranquility/concentration, and wisdom (Sila·Samadhi·Panna, 戒·定·慧), which are the fundamental principles of Buddhist practice. These three cannot be separated, and each achieves the purpose of practice through its own function. This is practicing the dhamma.
The path of the Eightfold Path, which is the practice of dhamma, is also connected to the three (Sila·Samadhi·Panna, 戒·定·慧). This is because a righteous and wholesome mind leads to the serenity of jhāna, and with wisdom, one can be free from suffering by eliminating all suffering.
What is the mind of an upright and goodness? The mind of ultimate goodness arises when one rightly understands ‘impermanence, suffering, and non-self’.
All religions teach us to be good, moral and kind to others. If we are maintaining moral standards and practicing many meritorious deeds, that is good and important. This does not distinguish Buddhism from other religious teachings. Buddhism also teaches the right conduct of the body, mouth, and mind, but it goes further than that by suggesting ways to liberate our minds from unsatisfaction/suffering.
The Buddha observed the body and mind, realized how to be liberated from physical and mental suffering, and unfolded the law. The right attitude and morality, which are the basic attitudes that a human being must have in order to eliminate fundamental problems, are the basis of practice. If the basic foundation is weak, it is difficult to make great progress. The stronger the foundation, the deeper the practice can progress.
To be continued…
May you cultivate your Sati continuously (Samma-Viriya)!
May you achieve the Samma-Diṭṭhi (Right View) through Satipatthāna (vipassana meditation)!
May all practice well and reach to Magga (道, the path of enlightenment) and Phala (果, the fruit of enlightenment)!
with Metta,
Ayya Kosalla
Edited by Euna Bonovich
If you have any questions related to dhamma & meditation, please feel free to ask. You can reach Ayya Kosalla directly at Bhikkhuni.Kosalla@gmail.com.
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Buddha Sāsanaṁ Ciraṁ Tiṭṭhatu!
May the Buddha’s teachings last a long time!
Bhavatu Sabba Sotiṁ ca Maṅgalaṁ ca!!
May everyone be led on the path of peace and blessing!!
Sādhu Sādhu Sādhu!